Thursday, May 10, 2007

Creating and Using MSDE

Below is the procedure I used to create a Microsfot SQL Server Desktop Edition (MSDE).

Find the product on the web. It is free. Download and then extract it.

The default directory was c:\msdereia

From the command prompt run

setup.exe SAPWD="password" INSTANCENAME="NAV"

set the password and instanvename do what ever you want.

For my purposes I was setting this up for the SAV Reporting server.

I found that this set up in windows authentication mode.

The instance is not started up by default. So go to the services panel and start a service
mssql$instancename where instance name is your instance.

Therfore to connect to the database from the command prompt enter

osql -E -S servername\instancename

You will now be at a 1> prompt. You have now confirmed your databse is up and running.

I found that for the SAV reporting server I needed to be in what is called mixed mode.

Stop the instance service.

To achieve this I changed the following registry value from 1 to 0

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\myinstance\MSSQLServer and the key Loginmode.

You can now connect to the datbase as follows

osql -U sa -S server\instancename and you will be promted for a password.

On correct entry of password you will be at the 1> prompt

This was my reference.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Access Denied - SAV Reporting

Trying to use the new reporting tool in 10.1 of SAV

It uses Internet Information Services (IIS). Trying to access the front page from Symantec System Console (SSC) gives

HTTP error 404; Forbidden Access Denied

From the IIS log

2007-05-07 00:01:52 W3SVC1 POST /Reporting/admin/upload.php - 80 - libwww-perl/5.803 403 19 1314

SAV support had me add the NETWORK SERVICES group to

the resgistry on the server

Computer Configuration>Windows Settings>Security Settings>Local Polices>User Rights Assignment>

"Adjust Memory process quota for a processs" and "Replace a process level token"

I checked in the Web Server Extensions of IIS

The SAV install procedure has added a path to the the php-cgi.exe

I added one for php5isapi.dll no good

I added IUSR_Server user to gave the above two rights no good

The problem was fixed by giving the network service security group read,read/execute permissions to the symantec folder. I probably would have got away with just adding it at the reporting folder level. Of the things I tried prior the only one that needs to be actioned is adding the same group to the two registry entries.